Inspired from Joseph Campbells 'The Hero's Journey' and Carl Jung's 'Individuation Process', Inner Journey is a musical representation of awakening to who you are. Created with the intention of bringing light to the importance of self discovery and the healing process that happens alongside that journey. Many of the systems we live in and the systematic thought patterns that are then reinforced promote labeling, isolation, greed, fear and much more. If we are to see that we are interconnected and embody love, peace and purpose then our inner and outer world would be more balanced. Becoming awake to that awareness of inner peace is a continuous cycle and breaking free from those destructive habits and illusions is not an easy process. As you can see from the diagram above I have mapped out each song alongside key words about that stage and below I go into more detail. Joseph Campbell talked about how story and mythology throughout history was to provide a map for the listener to see the Hero's process as a reflection of their inner development. I hope Inner Journey does just that and also give the listener energy and passion to keep working and seeing the importance of waking up to the call and taking action.
The opening song is "the call" that wakes the person up to start in a new direction towards the unknown. It starts with the sound of wind which is the sign for the stress one feels internally before seeking change. This stress is not completely the worry stress but rather more enthusiastic stress. The times where you can't hold any emotions in and can't stop thinking about an idea. The excitement before a trip. The opening lyrics are
"Do you hear the wind, call out your name. To see the light within. It's time to embrace the shadow and take the step into the unknown."
The idea that nature is calling us is referenced here. Nature or spirit wants us to find a balance with Earth, ourselves and each other. We can only do that if we individually take the action to respond to that call. Embracing the shadow is different for everyone but this symbolic concept is universal. A shadow is something that exists within oneself that urges to become seen and acknowledged. Often the mind can't understand this feeling or how to "deal" with it so we often seek for comfort through distractions. Although, in this song it shows a positive and clear response to the experience. The next lyrical line sings
"Don't fear the lies were told. Express the light we hold. What will we see when the truth shines through."
These lines are in response to the doubts and lies that come after the initial inspiration. "Wow that is a great idea! But I don't think I can do it." Or " but I don't know if I have time." All these doubts pull us from connecting with our inner voice. Everyones creative voice desires to be channeled through different mediums. Those lies are either lies from others or the lies we tell ourselves. This song ends in a feeling of hope and wonder.
The bird flying over a wide landscape or the ocean is what I visualize when I hear this song. An experience of expansion and awe that inspires the listener to grow.
This is the stage where the listener enters into the unknown. They have stepped outside their normal routine and started going out at sea to find their true self. A conscious act to observe and remember oneself.
This process is a storm because it is a symbol for a death of the old self. Initially this change will seem like an attack towards who you are but really it is a return towards a deeper awareness of life and being. The ego wants to find ways to still be the centre but now the storm dismantles the power the ego had over the individual. A moment where the suppressed unconscious is given space to show itself is always a difficult process.
This effort produces struggle and friction, which is completely natural. The struggle one feels is purely energy that is really helping and moving one along in the process. The suffering is now accepted as a part of life instead of fighting or hiding from it. One must have faith that this death and transformation is for something larger than oneself. After the build from the strings and waves the listener is thrown into the water. The mantra will be sung to express surrender and release from the addictive and mechanical old ways of living. The lyrics are
"Flood the walls around me. I surrender to the storm. Released into the waters to free my soul to breath. "
This mantra is one of surrender to the experience in order to recognize the open space within oneself. The fears and doubts that exist are normally ignored but in this song you allow yourself to experience the storm. The mind has always tried to fill that space with worries and distractions but through meditation the "water" breaks down those walls.
From the intense energy and persistence of the second song "Mantra" the listener now finds oneself suspended in still water looking in reflection. This song is about the moment where the ego and masks have faded and you experience unity and love with not only your whole self but all that is around you. The lyrics are
"Open my eyes to the stillness of the water. The silence pulls me in to feel the peace that rests in me."
Once you entered the water in the second song there was a force that seemed to take over. After singing that mantra of surrender one has no control over the experience. These lyrics reference this state where there are feelings of pure peace alongside powerful emotions. The next line is,
"You're all I see. You're all I know. You're all I feel . You're all I am. "
The listener is in union with spirit and a deeper dimension of their self. "You're all I am" is also the verbal association the viewer makes with their higher self. They are viewing their true image and now through a new lens where they see the beauty and complexity that they are. Before this journey one had many illusionary masks that they identified with which only confused and distracted the individual. At last they integrated the shadow self with the ego, the persona and all aspects of their being (referencing Jung).
After the lyrics the strings and melody take over and become the symbol of the experience. No words can express what this moment is like. It is different every time and for every individual.
The last stage of the journey is the return back home from the unknown and you manifest and grow into your new self. The lyrics are
"Awaken from a dream, breathing in the open air. Stand and close my eyes to realize I've changed"
The beginning rising river sounds symbolize the place (water) from where you come from but still have a connection with, which is why the river remains throughout the song. Water throughout this story is a symbol for the mystery and the spirit. Since the purpose of the journey was to build a relationship with the mystery and shadow, this song shows how the water is something that is now always accessible and within the listeners awareness. The need to remember and realize what one just went through is essential. Often times we can have these experiences of opening awareness but then completely forget them. To stand and realize the internal change is referencing ones conscious act to continue the growth through effort and creation. The next verse sings
"Falling into the depth of being. Let the waves pass through me. Separated from the lies now we're free to walk our path in wonder of each moment."
This is talking about the new level of awareness. No longer trapped in the storm of our mind but rather allowing the waves to pass through in order to find the undercurrent of stillness. The mystery of life and the constant flow of emotions is something everyone experiences and with our modern indoctrination, unanswered questions seems to cause unease. This unease is often stored in the suppressed unconscious. We push those feelings aside because they remain unclear. The "answer" to the mystery is not something that can be just talked about on an intellectual level but instead is within every individuals personal acceptance and surrender. The emotions and unease is life calling to you.
When wonder becomes the filter in which we experience our life then we start to find meaning and purpose. A meaning that isn't so rigid but rather fluid and evolving like the water that we must always reconnect with.
"I hear the song that moves me. From shadow to light we become our truth. The reason we are here will show, when we know who we are"
Since we have connected with the importance of love and healing one naturally sees the lack of love and harmony humans have with Earth, plants and animals. Realizing that they also reflect the spirit just as we do, the call now to develop a harmonious relationship with life in and outside of the body becomes strong. We are here too manifest balance and healing back into our relationship with life in all realms. This is a crucial concept for my whole story.
The unknown is a very abstract and individual experience for everyone so the story you tell will not be enough for someone to be changed from just by hearing it.They must also embark on their own inner journey to experience spiritual union. Creating this musical journey felt like an inner calling of mine to express the importance of this message.